A stable and natural source of astaxanthin with increased stability and functional benefits for an enhanced cognitive performance to support healthy aging
A soluble and bioavailable microencapsulated curcumin proven to protect skin aging from within.
Microencapsulated caffeine to mask the bitter taste of caffeine and to provide for its sustained release.
Dispersible form of plant sterols (from soy or pine tree origin) which has been microencapsulated to facilitate their incorporation in food matrices.
Water dispersible micronized source of iron that has been microencapsulated to enhance iron absorption and to reduce undesirable organoleptic attributes.
Highly concentrated magnesium source thus leading to an effective product at restoring and maintaining a healthy level of magnesium in the human cells and bones.
Water dispersible micronized source of calcium coated with lecithin. This unique delivery system increases calcium dispersibility and absorption.
Novel encapsulated non-reactive form of zinc oxide for an easy fortification of a wide range of food applications with this nutrient.